As of Friday, the price for one tola of 24-karat gold has reached Rs 213,900. Even for those interested in purchasing smaller quantities, the rates remain attractive, with 10 grams of 24-karat gold priced at Rs 183,390, and the per-gram cost comes to Rs 18,339.
Now, let’s explore how these values fluctuate across major cities.
In Karachi, the economic hub, the gold rate is Rs 213,900. Lahore edges up to Rs 213,950, with Islamabad not far behind at Rs 214,000. Regarding Quetta, the gold rate peaks at Rs 214,100, while Peshawar maintains Rs 214,050 per tola.
The international gold price is $1949 per ounce, providing a broader perspective on how global dynamics influence the precious metal market.
These rates are sourced from Karachi Sarafa Bazar.
For the most accurate and current gold rates, check your local market. We suggest contacting nearby gold dealers and jewelers.